Tuna and Zucchini Fritters / Popečci od tune i tikvica

Oh hey, I have another zucchini recipe for you to try out. I know, I am shamelessly abusing this vegetable, but what can I say? Zucchinis are freaking awesome and I plan to enjoy eating them while they are at the peak of their season.




(Yields 12 fritters / 0.44 EUR per each / 5.28 EUR for all)

For the fritters:

1 large zucchini (0.40 EUR)

1 carrot (0.10 EUR)

1 tsp salt, divided (0.01 EUR)

1 tsp freshly ground black pepper (0.07 EUR)

3 eggs (0.60 EUR)

2 large cans of tuna in brine (3.47 EUR)

1 cup oat flour (0.13 EUR)

½ cup shredded hard cheese (0.40 EUR)

For frying:

¼ cup of sunflower seed oil (0.10 EUR)



Wash and shred the zucchini and carrot, then sprinkle with ½ tsp of salt and allow to rest for about 10 minutes to release moisture. After 10 minutes, give the veggies zucchini a good squeeze, then drain and discard all excess liquid. Add in the remaining salt, together with black pepper eggs, drained tuna, oat flour and shredded cheese. Give everything a really good stir while mashing the tuna chunks down with a fork.

Place a non-stick skillet to medium heat and allow to thoroughly warm up. Add a tablespoon or so of oil to your skillet, then scoop in the mixture and shape into fritters. Fry for a few minutes on each side, then repeat the process until all of the fritter mix is used up. Serve up warm or cold.


Hej hej, eto vam još jedan recept sa tikvicama da ga isprobate. Znam da već besramno zloupotrebljavam to povrće, ali što da vam kažem? Tikvice su mi super i planiram guštati u jelima sa njima dok god im traje sezona.


(Za 12 popečaka / 3,29 kn po popečku / 39,51 kn za sve)

Za popečke:

1 velika tikvica (3,00 kn)

1 mrkva (0,75 kn)

1 žličica soli, podijeljena (0,01 kn)

1 žličica svježe mljevenog crnog papra (0,50 kn)

3 jaja (4,50 kn)

2 velike konzerve tunjevine u salamuri (26,00 kn)

1 šalica zobenog brašna (1,00 kn)

½ šalice fino ribanog tvrdog sira (3,00 kn)

Za prženje:

¼ šalice suncokretovog ulja (0,75 kn)


Operite i naribajte tikvicu i mrkvu, posolite sa ½ žličice soli i pustite desetak minuta da povrće pusti vodu. Nakon deset minuta rukama istisnite i bacite višak vode, pa dodajte ostatak soli, papar, jaja, ocijeđenu tunu, zobeno brašno i sir. Dobro sve promiješajte, a tunu još malo i usitnite viljuškom.

Neprijanjajuću tavu stavite na srednju vatru i pustite ju da se dobro ugrije. Dodajte u tavu oko žlicu ulja, pa grabite smjesu i oblikujte ju na tavi u popečke. Pržite svaki popečak po nekoliko minuta sa svake strane, pa ponavljajte postupak dok ne potrošite svu smjesu. Poslužite popečke tople ili hladne.

Tuna and Zucchini Fritters / Popečci od tune i tikvica

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