Beetroot and Walnut Chocolate Cake with Crème Fraîche Frosting (wheat and refined sugar free) / Čokoladna torta od cikle i oraha sa mileram glazurom (bez pšenice i rafiniranog šećera)

Last year I first tried making a beetroot chocolate cake and it was a huge success. It’s worth making just to see the faces of people when you tell them they are eating a beetroot, as it simply tastes like chocolate. The beets are well camouflaged and only give out a subtle earthy aroma. I wanted to make this cake even healthier so I tweaked the original recipe and kicked out wheat flour and refined sugar. I also dumped in more beetroot. So this cake is actually a baked huge smoothie.



(Yields 1 medium sized cake / 6.22 EUR)

For the dough:

3 large (about 500 grams total) cooked and peeled beetroots (1.20 EUR)

2 eggs (0.40 EUR)

1 tsp pure vanilla extract (0.03 EUR)

5 tbsp honey (0.67 EUR)

4 tbsp butter, melted (0.53 EUR)

2 tbsp raw cocoa powder (0.13 EUR)

1 cup ground walnuts (1.33 EUR)

2 cups finely ground oats (0.40 EUR)

½ tsp baking powder (0.01 EUR)

¼ tsp baking soda (0.01 EUR)

Pinch of salt  (0.01 EUR)

For the crème fraîche frosting:

1 cup crème fraiche (1.00 EUR)

1 tsp pure vanilla extract (0.03 EUR)

3 tbsp honey (0.40 EUR)


Butter for greasing the pan (0.07 EUR)



Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grease a cake pan and line with parchment paper. Set aside. Add cooked and peeled beets to food processor and pulse until creamy. Reserve a teaspoon of beet puree for frosting. Add eggs, vanilla and honey to remaining beets in the food processor and pulse until smooth. Dump in melted butter and cocoa powder, then pulse again to fully incorporate.

In a bowl, whisk together ground walnuts, ground oats, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Pour the beet mixture over dry ingredients and stir to combine. You can also taste the batter to see if it needs more sweetness. Transfer the batter into the prepared pan and gently shake to even out. Bake for 30 minutes.

While the dough is baking, prepare the frosting by combining crème fraîche, vanilla, honey and reserved tablespoon of beet puree. As soon as the beet dough is baked, pour frosting on top and even out. Turn off the oven and return the frosted cake to it for another 5 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven and allow it to come to room temperature before refrigerating for a few hours before serving.



Prošle sam godine prvi puta napravila čokoladni kolač sa ciklom koji je bio veliki hit. Isplati ga se napraviti samo da vidite izraze na licima ljudi kada im kažete da jedu ciklu. Obzirom da je cikla dobro zakamuflirana u kolaču, osjeti se samo njena blaga zemljana aroma. Htjela sam da ovaj kolač bude još zdraviji od onog prije, pa sam izbacila pšenično brašno i rafinirani šećer. Također sam dodala i još više cikle. Tako da je ovaj kolač zapravo jedan ogroman pečeni smoothie.


(Za 1 srednje veliki kolač / 46,47 kn)

Za tijesto:

3 velike (oko 500 grama ukupno) kuhane i oguljene cikle (9,00 kn)

2 jaja (3,00 kn)

1 žličica ekstrakta od vanilije (0,20 kn)

5 žlica meda (5,00 kn)

4 žlice maslaca, rastopljene (4,00 kn)

2 žlice sirovog kakao praha (1,00 kn)

1 šalica mljevenih oraha (10,00 kn)

2 šalice fino mljevenih zobenih pahuljica (3,00 kn)

½ žličice praška za pecivo (0,05 kn)

¼ žličice sode bikarbone (0,01 kn)

Prstohvat soli (0,01 kn)

Za mileram glazuru:

1 šalica milerama (7,50 kn)

1 žličica ekstrakta od vanilije (0,20 kn)

3 žlice meda (3,00 kn)


Maslac za namastiti kalup (0,50 kn)


Zagrijte pećnicu na 200°C. Namastite kalup i obložite papirom za pečenje, pa stavite na stranu. Stavite kuhane i oguljene cikle u multipraktik i pulsirajte da budu kremaste. Žličicu pirea od cikle sačuvajte sa strane za glazuru. U preostalu ciklu u multipraktiku dodajte jaja, vaniliju i med, pa pulsirajte dok se ne sjedini. Na kraju ubacite i rastopljeni maslac i kakao prah, pa još jednom propulsirajte.

U zdjeli pomiješajte mljevene orahe, mljevene zobene pahuljice, prašak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonu i sol. Preko toga prelijte smjesu cikle i miješajte dok se sve ne sjedini. Možete slobodno i probati smjesu pa vidjeti ako treba dodati još meda. Preselite smjesu u pripremljen kalup i nježno protresite da se ujednači. Pecite 30 minuta.

Dok se tijesto peče napravite glazuru tako da pomiješate mileram, vaniliju, med i žličicu cikle koju ste sačuvali. Čim je tijesto pečeno prelijte preko svega glazuru i poravnajte. Isključite pečnicu, ali vratite kolač sa glazurom u još vruću pećnicu na 5 minuta. Izvadite kolač iz pečnice i pustite da se ohladi na sobnu temperaturu, prije nego ga stavite u hladnjak. Pustite kolač u hladnjaku da odstoji nekoliko sati prije posluživanja.

Beetroot and Walnut Chocolate Cake with Crème Fraîche Frosting (wheat and refined sugar free) / Čokoladna torta od cikle i oraha sa mileram glazurom (bez pšenice i rafiniranog šećera)

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